Debasmita Chatterjee
1 min readApr 18, 2022


A Letter To The Toxic Mother

Image — Eliana Massari On Pinterest

Thank you Maa
For reminding me
at every phase of my life
That i am good for nothing.

Thank you
for making me feel
this bone crushing weight
of your expectations
versus my belief, hope and dreams .

Thank you for making
gaping wounds
in my heart
with that toxic jabber
which i feel so tired to hear,
same old pattern
since early years.

Thank you
Because all you do
Has helped me go further
Within myself.
Beneath all the muck and shit,
Beneath all the apparent
good for nothingness,
I found Me.
The brilliant,
ever shining,
unhurt entity.
The goddess of love and alchemy.

I guess the shine is too bright
and blinding for you to see.
Thank you for all that you have done Ma.
This time, more than trusting your words
I am trusting Me .

The gaslit child.
A diamond in becoming.



Debasmita Chatterjee

Ex Journalist. Poet. Aspiring Author. Seer Of Time . Consciously Evolving. Embodying Divine Feminine Consciousness. Sharing Stories, Poems, Wisdom and Dreams.